Archived Articles

SAPC Registrar Amos
eVol6 No1

Message from the Registrar

The 3rd National Pharmacy Conference is upon us, so are the 2019 National Pioneer Pharmacy Awards. The Presidential Health Summit Compact was signed in July 2019. But most importantly, universal healthcare is upon us – the NHI Bill has been introduced to Parliament and there is no turning back. The Registrar, Mr Amos Masango, takes stock of all these events and what they mean for Pharmacy.

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President Phasha
eVol6 No1

President’s Message

Mr Mogologolo Phasha took over the reins as President of Council when the new Council met in February this year. The Council has wasted no time in settling into their new roles, and President Phasha gives a brief overview of the uppermost issues the new Council plans to address during their term of office.

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SAPC Council
eVol6 No1

Council Decisions (Oct 2018, Feb and May 2019)

The following is a summary of some of the issues discussed and decisions taken by the South African Pharmacy Council (‘Council’) during its meetings held on 10/11 October 2018, 14 February and 14/15 May 2019. Other important issues are dealt with as separate articles in this edition of e-Pharmaciae.

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4th Industrial Revolution
eVol6 No1

Embracing the 4th Industrial Revolution

The 4th Industrial Revolution is upon us. Pharmacy, along with all other healthcare professions, needs to embrace the technological advancements being made in order to ensure the best possible patient care. We take a quick look at Pharmacy in the 4th Industrial Revolution and what can be expected.

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Continued Personal Development
eVol6 No1

Regulations pave way for pharmacy professionals to benefit from continuing professional development

The Honourable Minister of Health published the Regulations relating to Continuing Professional Development (“the Regulations”) for implementation in terms of the Pharmacy Act, 53 of 1975, as per Government Gazette No. 42464. Continuing professional development does not become immediately due for all registered persons, a phased implementation will be announced.

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SAPC Council
eVol6 No1

Get To Know Your Council

The South African Pharmacy Council for the term 2018 – 2023 has been announced. We take this opportunity to introduce you to those who are representing you on Council for the next five years.

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